The latest statement from FDA Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, outlines the agency’s actions to ensure...
1 minute read
It's all ENDS in Miami
Results - 132 Blogs
Tobacco product manufacturers are required to comply with certain requirements under Section 904(a)...
1 minute read
Broughton expands its nicotine services business
We are delighted to officially announce the recent launch of Broughton Limited, a spin-off from the...
3 minute read
Is a week a long time in the US ENDS industry?
It appears so, following a series of significant recent FDA announcements regarding Harmful and...
4 minute read
Harmful and Potentially Harmful Constituents (HPHC) Testing - Reporting in the United States
FDA regulated industries, including the ENDS industry, have few opportunities to engage with the...
Jan 2019, Miami, USA.
Save the date. Monday 22nd October is looking like a key day for the US ENDS industry.
6 minute read
E-cigarette Safety. The Evidence is Growing
Electronic cigarettes are battery powered electronic devices that enable delivery of nicotine to a...
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