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Malcolm Saxton

Product Lifecycle Manager

Malcolm joined Broughton in 2021 having previously managed the characterization of tobacco harm reduction products for the two largest tobacco companies in the world.

  • Senior science manager with 20 years’ experience in analytical sciences covering a variety of fields, in both industrial and academic settings.
  • Experienced project leader and contributor with experience in projects ranging from early-stage research and product development through to supporting regulatory submissions.
  • Successful track record of leading teams to identify and implement method and process improvements to ensure improved business outcomes.
  • Successfully developed, managed and delivered business-aligned analytical capability development programmes, ensuring analytical resources are supporting changing business focus.
  • Track record of successfully managing multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams to deliver complex technical projects.
  • Passionate about applying his knowledge and experience to solve problems and to improve business outcomes.

Malcolm Saxton is Product Lifecycle Manager at Broughton with a focus on analytical chemistry and product characterization. He has over seven years’ experience in the next generation nicotine product (NGP) industry.

Malcolm obtained an honours degree in Biochemistry from the University of Bath before spending a decade as an academic researcher in the then new field of proteomics. During this time he applied mass spectrometry to elucidate the molecular pathways responsible for the onset and progressions of a number of significant human diseases, including a range of cancers and Alzheimer’s disease. Throughout his career Malcolm’s focus has been the development of new and improved methods and ways to working to ensure high quality outcomes can be achieved while optimizing speed and efficiency.

Starting in 2015, Malcolm worked for the two largest tobacco companies in the world where he was focussed on the characterization of a range of next generation nicotine products to ensure evidence-based product development and that appropriate data packages were in place to allow product claims substantiation and regulatory submissions.

At British American Tobacco, Malcolm managed a team of analytical scientists responsible for developing, managing and delivering business aligned analytical capability development programmes, ensuring the 
company’s capabilities were supporting changing business focus from a traditional tobacco company to one focused on the manufacture of NGPs.

While at Philip Morris International, Malcolm focused on product characterization of non-tobacco containing NGPs. He managed a team of scientists who collaborated across multi-disciplinary product and manufacturing process development teams to ensure that the correct product knowledge and understanding was in place to allow evidence-based product development. He also worked to ensure that appropriate CMC data packages were available to facilitate the submission of regulatory packages for marketing authorisations globally in advance of the associated product launches.

Malcolm has a proven track record of developing and delivering analytical methods and characterization packages across a wide range of products and industries, latterly as a key member of a multidisciplinary team ensuring the successful launch of e-vapour and heated tobacco products. As an analytical scientist, Malcolm is passionate about using his experience and knowledge combined with science and data to help deliver regulated tobacco harm reduction products to global markets.

Malcolm Saxton